Hello dear Shaman College Community,
I hope you enjoy this video sharing. And just maybe it can assist you through the holiday season and beyond?
Each one carries 'medicine' for this world. It is an energetic imprint, it is a spiritual light, and a presence that only you transmit.
Unlike the 'baggage' that gets carried as weighted challenges or traumatic scars... this medicine that you carry actually un-weights you. It lifts you and it lightens the load on the wholeness of existence.
These energetic imprints and vibrations come through ancestral channels, physical places, your DNA, spiritual guides, plants, animals and more.
I ask you to sense-in and consider what many gifts you carry. I ask you to look at yourself through this lens that 'feels' the presence of these gifts. You are the living, moving representation of these gifts. It is through you, that we get to meet this.
with gratitude,
Hello dear Shaman College Community,
Here is another teaching that comes from the mentorship... inspired by the students at Shaman College and their beautiful work.
Not everyone will 'get' this! But that is OK... I know I am not speaking to everyone but to you who are here on this shamanic path in some way. And I trust that the knowing in our bones will someday be widely understood and shared among our Descendants as this world is dreamed into a beautiful frequency of love and balance with Nature.
In shamanic healing, we are known as "seers"... we see healing into existence. It is through the seeing and the dreaming that this physical expression of health and vibrancy is manifested and retuned.... yes, also returned!
Because of the potency and power of seeing, we must be aware of what we are reading in this world. Are you reading what you see? Or are you reading what you are being told? We must be aware of what we are 'buying into', and how we are...
Hello dear Shaman College Community,
When students and practitioners send their questions and insights to me, I am often inspired to share these pieces to our larger community. Through each session I do with a client and in each mentoring meeting that happens... the spirits and teachers are endlessly offering assistance and guidance.
In this recent exchange, I was asked to share my own practice with self-cleansing and preparations for healing sessions. What a great request!
As with everything within shamanic healing... each situation is unique and requires a unique methodology. Nothing is exactly the same. There is no "one way". And yet, there is a thread of consistency. There is an undercurrent that allows both safety and effectiveness.
How can a shaman serve if they are not healthy enough to serve? And why even do this form of work, if it is not effective?
As it turns out... the practices that allow us and our clients to be healthy and safe also allow...
In this week's Earth Prayers guided meditation, we look at the power of imagery in our physical health and abilities. We explore the dance of life - an improvisational / interactive communication with the air and the earth.
The spirits ask us to merge with the light that we are. To really go into this as an embodied experience.... not just an idea or a concept but a breathing reality.
And then we dream.
We dream this place forth. If we can see it, and we can feel it... than we can bring it forth. How does this happen?
Manifestation comes through interaction.
It is a meeting place.
In each meeting you have the opportunity to welcome forth the dream into this experienced realm.
When dreams are shared in this way, we all get to drink from the fresh waters.
Hello dear Shaman College community,
This message and guidance comes through the midpoint time between Equinox and Solstice, known and felt through generations across our beautiful Earth as a thin time of the veil between worlds. A time of both life and death - connected. A time when some play with fear while others allow the masks to fall away.
Right now in our lives, we are all together transitioning through a big shift in consciousness... a level of awakening that is not kept to just a few, but is reaching people across the wholeness of Mother Earth.
In this video I speak about the physicality of healing and the converse physicality of fear . The physicality of healing comes with a deep easy breath, a flexible and malleable skeletal muscle, and a toned and grounded internal organ presence. The heart itself - buoyant, steady, speaking and guiding the way. While the physicality of fear actually promotes illness and closes us off to our deep knowing and intuition.
...Hello dear Shaman College Community,
Sitting at the River... the Earth Prayers are Water Prayers! I realise that in many ways, they have always been Water prayers.
In these meditations, we work with our breath as a breath of life that sets in motion the waters, our internal ocean. The Earth allows all of this to happen.
In shamanism we travel the realms. We unite the physical and the spiritual. They exist together and we acknowledge this as a breathing truth. We access the healing potential in all beings through the connections of the realms.
Your body is a sacred vessel and it naturally connects the worlds... it is here with you for this lifetime.
I hope this guided meditation reaches you and serves you and all who are blessed by your presence.
With blessings to all, thank you.
with love,
After a couple of months 'break' from these regular psychopomp sessions, I have returned (and it is really good to be back).
I share this knowing that there is something here for you. Whether it be inspiration for your own practice, guidance for these times, or maybe there are similarities in the messages that you are receiving... if so, this may be confirmation for you?
In this new moon psychopomp session, there was a rising of the Great Tree of the Mother. As she lifted up the Divine Feminine and showed how the light moves through the eyes and hearts of the Divine Masculine again.
And the question I pass along to you...how is Mother Earth and the spirits of nature rising within you? How is the healing light of the Universe moving through you?
Everyday, you can invite this inquiry. Some days the energetics and the impact may feel immense, while other days may seem small or insignificant.
Some days may seem mundane... it is because you have the mundane glasses...
How easily we can forget that we are residing within a healing body, connected to a healing Earth, within a healing Universe.
In shamanism, we remember this beautiful power and potential that is right here... so intimately entwined with our lives. Our bodies and the Earth are One. And we have an immense ability to heal.
We witness time and again, that the 'modern' human sees nature as something to fix, solve, make better, as if it is vulnerable, weak, and unable to thrive. And when this approach is taken, time and again... we end up polluting the very life-force that moves within us all.
In any and every moment, you have the ability to listen to the drumbeat of your heart where your truth calls you home. You have the ability to tune-in to the sacred rhythm of your breath.
May we nourish Nature within us and all around us... Mother Earth provides us with medicine we need.
It has been a while since I have done an update and reached out to you.
I hope this finds everyone balanced and flowing within these very unique times on Earth. We need our navigational skills more than ever now.
One of the personal practices I have been doing almost everyday is a deep cleanse with meditation and connection with the spirits. I cannot recommend this enough. The plants and trees are here as medicine for us. A cleanse is so much more than removal... beautifully, it is an invitation to our heart and soul. The sacred smoke invites our higher abilities and shamanic consciousness forward.
I am now offering video calls for those who need to reach out, to be seen, heard and honoured...
I am here and I am available for video calls - whether you need guidance, connection or to sit together in this beautiful and shared space... I have appointment times open for 30 minute calls.
Click here for for information on video calls with Kimba.
Link for our...
Today, I share with you an Earth Prayers, guided meditation as I connect into my homelands of the USA. This holiday time that reflects and honours the freedom of people and independence and to BE who you truly are. At its essence, it is a beautiful vibration to tap into... and to recognise within the hearts of every living being. At the Soul level we are all light and love, unbound.
I hope this recording reaches you, and serves you. I found it incredibly powerful (I never quite know what is going to flow from the Spirits). I had to had to share!
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