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Blessing the North

Feb 13, 2019

This post has arisen due to the shared challenges that many of our students and practitioners have expressed about the North.

So, I ask myself... is it just that the North is misunderstood? Or could it be so quiet and so subtle that it is missed?

Definitely for myself, the North has taken its time to reveal its beauty to me.  It speaks a different language than the one I have known from my culture.  Even the Northern Sun has a different voice, the quiet sun, the gentle light. As I have become attuned to the North, its beauty and my gratitude for this aspect of our great cycles has grown. Now, the North is dear in my heart, and I cannot imagine an East, South or West without it!

How does the North come through you?

So many people share that they are confused when it comes to the North - or that they aren't sure how to connect.

Its cold, its dark, its quiet, it is sleeping, it is dying.

What mysteries can the North reveal to you?

What happens when we recede into the cave of...

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Personal and Universal Aspects of Healing

Jan 22, 2019

At some point in our shamanic healing... we become aware that healing of the self, healing of others and healing of our Earth, Universe and all beings are one.

It is the 'work' of the Spirits themselves that guide us into this knowing so that it can rest in our bones and breathe in our lungs.  It is they who move this mental 'concept' into the living truth within us.

We welcome you to bring this awareness into your self-healing sessions and if you are a practitioner, into your work with others.  Observe what happens when you become open to this.  Observe what happens when you see each shamanic 'act' as a Universal act.

Observe what happens when you look upon yourself and this.

(Right now, I am at my 'mobile' office... away from the beauties and sacred space of my home office.  I am in a public cafe space. There are people eating, meetings happening, and lots of seemingly 'unnatural' decor.  (It is actually quite nice and I have a quiet space here!) . But I...

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How do I learn Shamanism?

Nov 15, 2017

How do I learn Shamanism?

by Steve Serr

A good question, but if you are heading out to learn shamanism, a better question is...

How does one become a shaman!

I know this sounds weird, but if you are heading out to be a shamanic practitioner, you are going to be facing not so much plugging stuff into your brain, which is usually what people think when they think about learning things, but rather, by becoming.

I did not abruptly end that sentence. I mean it exactly as it is written: to be a shaman is not so much about learning, but about becoming. Learning simply can't take you all the way there. Even the most intensive studying in the world does not make one a practitioner. It is a matter of who one is, and not so much what one knows, that makes a shaman.

So, now that we realize it is going to take more than just sticking something in your brain to get there: how then, does one edge closer to being a shaman?! Very simply, you've got to build a three-legged stool, something that is...

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