Simple 8 Minute Meditation

audio guidance Feb 03, 2021

With all of the changes and challenges that are surfacing globally, it is up to us to ground and align ourselves with our light and our presence on a daily basis.  This is how we can be the ones in this world that we are here to be.

I recorded this meditation for a dear individual and I thought to share it out with you all...  (we can all send our gratitude to him!)

More and more I see that the healing for one, is a healing for all of us.

This meditation only takes about 8 minutes, and it is really simple.  You can do it everyday, on your own or with the recording.

When we reach in and see ourselves... we have to use our subtle sight.  Our subtle sight allows us to see without seeing with our eyes. This asks us to access the feeling/sensing abilities that we have. You may imagine that with your eyes closed, you are looking inwards.

This is a human ability and comes quite naturally when nurtured.

Unfortunately, with the flat screen, blue light vision that we have adapted to and become dedicated to through media, social media, video calls, etc, it is too easy to evacuate our sense of presence and energetics and give it over to the screens.

A regular practice of being human 'unplugged' can quickly and readily return us to our true nature.  These are the new skills of today's world.


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