Half Moon Sound Healing Session

audio healing Jun 03, 2021

This is a half moon sound healing session.  I am offering these and recording them when I can on the half moons. (Following the guidance of my own helpers and guides.)

This specifically goes out to you - those that know that the spiritual aspect of life is alive, beautiful, loving and here.  Shamanic practitioners, shamans, spiritual healers, guides and teachers of many different names have always been the ones to bridge the realms.

There are beings of light among us that are here for truth, freedom, liberty and love that we know and can see in our visions, dreams and divinations.  This work can be challenging at times, when we are 'seeing' that which many do not see.

The other beautiful ones that this healing is offered for - are those who will never hear this session. I send this out to those who are suffering the most challenging expressions of this human existence.  I know that the prayers and blessings of light, love and compassion reach you through the fine web that connects us all.

This is the 2nd session, here is the link to the previous one:


Also, both sessions are in audio form through our podcast that can be found through most podcast providers.


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