Your Spirit Allies
The Art of Receiving Assistance
Receive the Blessings for Your "Ordinary Reality"
Reweave the Connections within your Daily Life
Trust in the Beauty and Power of Life
Open the doors...
Right now, in this moment, you have a rich network of helping spirits supporting you from all directions... this course helps you to strengthen your awareness and receptivity of this help as a day to day living truth. Your senses open and most importantly your perceptions shift from separation to connection... from seeking to receiving. This is an abundant, healing and beautiful life, reaching out for you! Are you able to receive this?
Kimba Bridgeman - Your Spirit Allies Course
This course shifts how you BE HERE... the web of life opens, and you can rest into being instead of always 'solving'.
It is not about journeying up or down, divination, finding answers, solving problems, sorting through challenges... this course is about opening and resting into the loving arms of the Spirit Allies that are here to carry you, to clear your path, to fill you with abundance and joy, to offer their solace and peace.
Week 1: Plant Spirits-
Receiving, Abundance, Joy
In this course, we are changing a paradigm, we are shifting gears. Instead of going into a problem-solving mode through journeying, divining, answering and 'doing', we are taking a different approach to our lives, our healing and our happiness.
We open up to the assistance, healing and support that is abundantly all around us, all the time.
Who better to begin this 7 weeks of focused gratitude and gift- receiving than the plant spirits? The ones, who are everywhere. They are growing through the cracks in the walls and in the sidewalks. They are growing up through the paths and the gardens… they surround us.
In their presence alone, we begin to feel and sense the abundant support of plant beings, of plant spirits, of plants in our lives. And because they make it easy for us… they help us, in this first week, open ourselves up to the art of receiving.
This week also includes:
Detailed work with your eyes as receivers of light
4 Guided relaxations with direct transmissions from the plants' essential oils: Lavender, Clary Sage, Rose and Vetiver
Abundance, light, joy and friendship that the Plant Spirits offer us
Work with flowers and their blessings
Sun connection practice
- Cleansing as plant connection

Week 2: Ancient Soul Ancestors -
Ancient Wisdom in your Bones
These are the wisdom keepers, the wise ones who have been here through time, who know the balance of life on Earth. They are human spirits - they have two legs, a human body, a human heart. They have lived in a balance or have come to realise this balance and they are here too - to help guide us home to our essential and wise, true self.
We distinguish these Ancient Soul Ancestors from the genetic tree (though there may be overlap).
When you envisage the ancient ancestors, you may picture the brightest eyes and the biggest hearts. This is the human love that is possible within one's existence… shining upon you!
They want for your fullest potential, they feel your strain, your pain, they hold you. They are rooting for you, they really are your biggest fans.
You are their descendants walking today.
This week also includes:
- Looking through the eyes of the Ancients
- Walking in your bones
- Mother Earth alignment meditations
- Heart-beat relaxation
- Your timeless nature: slowing down, being here with Mother Earth
Week 3: Your Body as a Spirit Ally -
Life Force, Vibration, Your Gift
This may come as a surprise to some of you at first. In the shamanic circles, we hear about the ancestors, the plants and trees, the animals, the teaching guides, but there are very few speaking and teaching about the body itself, this human body, your body as having Spirit, and not only this… it is a powerful Ally, you could say, your closest and most dedicated one.
Your body was given to you. It is a gift to you for this lifetime. This week, we open ourselves to more fully receive this gift, honour it, begin to look inside, begin to explore and welcome its assistance here.
There are some challenges that may arise. While some of you this may feel natural and easy to rest into the receiving and the honouring of your form, others, may find that this is a whole new concept. Please know that you are not alone. Many people have separated from their form to some degree… and there are many and varied reasons for this. It is safe to say that our contemporary culture has not been one of sensitivity and gratitude to our bodies. Our culture has come to say what looks good or bad, right or wrong, accepted or banished, desirable or grotesque, strong or weak. And then there is what is healthy and not healthy… from food, to pharmaceuticals, to aging, to medicine, to exercise.
All of it about shaping, fixing, adapting, adjusting, aligning, etc. All of it based in the underlying belief that this form, this body… needs to be fixed. And the fixing comes from the outside.
In this week, we open up to your Body's wisdom and healing abilities, to honour this gift as a Spirit Ally.
This week also includes:
- Notice you are Nature everywhere you go
- Pelvis awareness, grounding and Earth
- Connecting to the healing capacity of your body
- Your body as a wisdom keeper

Week 4: Angels -
Uplift, Clear Paths, Limitless
This week's primary content comes from our Shaman College teacher, Raffaele, who has extensive experience with the angels.
Your awareness opens to the light and the limitless qualities of the Angel Spirit Allies. As this is the 4th week, your abilities and gifts of receiving are opening and tuning in preparation for this week of Divine Light.
These beings are here for you, to clear your path, to protect you and uplift you.
You are invited to extend your daily awareness through crystals, essential oils, colour, light and feathers. Insights open and gifts are received.
You are asked to rest within yourself, perhaps even more deeply that you have thus far.
This week also includes:
- Guided Angel meditations
- How to work with vibrations of light and symbols of the Angels- with crystals, essential oils, feathers, and colour
- Path clearing relaxation
- Physical awareness of being lifted
Week 5: Tree Spirits -
Containment, Strength, Truth, Quiet
We are drawn to them…. And they to us. Of course they stand where they are but in doing so, they teach us that healing and extending one’s branches can travel across space. At this moment, you are being touched by them, by their presence even if you are indoors reading this page.
Through the vast root systems, they are entwined with Earth and Water below as well as Sky and Sun above. Their perspective is grander when it comes to time… as many of them live longer than humans…they offer us perspective.
This week, you welcome their assistance and their wisdom. They come as our Teachers and we come as their students. They see through the masks that we wear and invite the Truth of our being forward.
This week also includes:
- Tree offerings
- Tree breath
- Meditations on Containment, Strength and Quietude
- Guided relaxation and transmissions from Palo Santo and Copaiba

Week 6: Animal Allies -
Humility, Heart-voice, Communication, Potential
Unlike many shamanic teachings, this week is not about working with individual power animals or spirit guides. You are invited to open up to the larger family of Animal Spirit Allies. So the question of connection has to get bigger- we could say less personal or individual. And yet, we also ask very personal questions. How do we welcome these helpers in? And what do they offer us? And how can we connect with them?
The Animal Spirits help us to come down into our hearts.
When you come to them as an equal, as a sister or as a brother- when you reach to them, and welcome them in this way, they reflect to you something inside.
So firstly they give the gift of humility to us, allowing us to drop into our heart space.
And in doing this, they open our abilities to communicate - they welcome our voices from the heart, a telecommunication and a voice that doesn’t get so filled with extra words and extra beliefs. This happens because we have to drop from our usual minds into our heart mind.
This week we are going to drop into the heart place, the place of meeting, welcoming and communicating with animal spirits. This alone is a powerful healing.
When we call upon them from our hearts, we plug into so much power- to fly, to climb, to swim, to travel, muscle, flexibility, grace, ease. They teach us about life here.
In a body with this Earth, they bring to us and offer us this perspective of our own potential.
This week also includes:
- Dropping into your animal family here on Earth
- Discover your human 'animal'
- Opening your senses
- Relaxations and meditations connecting to the animals, their powers and gifts
Week 7: Weaving, The Spirits' Dance -
Your Life is Woven with All
The final week is a weaving week- exploring our sacred vessel, our body even more and its direct link to Mother Earth. We tap into all of the Spirit Allies that we have worked with so far and see how we can receive them at different moments in our day to day lives.
There is an exploration of your body's 3 centres: pelvis, heart and crown and their relationship to the different spirit allies. And you receive the knowing of how your existence reflects, moves and communicates with all life and the helping Spirits here.
Your physical and spiritual connections develop this week and allow for a living consciousness and receptivity of this assistance. You see ways that these 7 weeks can "live -on" through your life.
This week also includes:
- Gentle movement practice to awaken your senses
- Nature walk with your 3 centres activated
- Water blessing and meditation
- Relaxation to welcome in all of the spirit allies
- Mother Earth relaxation

New Senses and Awareness - Synchronicity - Allowance of Spirit's Help - A Communion and a Co-Creation with Life Itself
These are a few of the shifts and blessings that are invited through the 7 weeks.
Registration Options
Please note, we are currently moving our office from the UK to the USA and our tuition will be in USA dollars. Please register your interest in this course with us here.
Group Experience - Starts on September 18th, 2022
Payment in Full
- Join Kimba for this course, receive regular updates, emails and assistance as you go through this process together.
- Includes group page for sharing, inspiration and support
- Whole group meeting once a week for 7 weeks on Sundays
- Replays of the video calls
PAY IN FULL - Self-Study Version
- Start anytime and work at your own pace
- This version includes all the written, video and audio content but does not include video meetings or personal email mentoring.
Tuition plus Personal Mentorship
- 3 - mentoring video calls with Kimba throughout the course (45 minutes each)
- email support from Kimba over the 7 weeks