Shamanism for Self-Healing:
Recovering Myself
by Steve Serr
By rediscovering the natural spirituality of our ancient past before we became splintered from the natural world; by remembering our intimate connection with the natural world with which we are inextricably connected; and by learning to listen and speak to the spiritual voices for which the human ear is naturally attuned and that have been begging for us to listen for thousands of years, we have the means to assist ourselves and each other to return to wellness.
This ten unit series by Shamanism 101's founder, Dr. Steve Serr, is our prerequisite to all more advanced classes and was created to provide the foundation on which a personal or professional shamanic practice rests.
If you seek a course in self-discovery and growth that will at the same time provide an Earth-solid training base in essential shamanic practice, you've found it.
Our course is personally mentored and takes between 7 and 12 months to complete.

Personal Mentor:
Each Step of the Way
Our trained teachers are all dedicated and strong practitioners themselves. This is not surprising, as this path would not have remained among us over the many thousands of years and across the globe if it did not ‘take us there.’
The communication between mentor and student is through emails with an option to add-on video call support.

10 Units
Each unit includes reading material, rituals, shamanic self-healing practices. There are videos and transcriptions included in many of the units. For each unit, you write up your assignment and email it directly to your teacher who responds and coaches you through these practices.
The first 4 units create a foundation of practice and the remaining 6 units include a deeper practice of really looking at yourself and working with the healing assistance of your spirit guides.
7-12 months study
We recommend that each unit will take 1-2 weeks to complete. However, we give you extra time to finish the course. This allows for the coaching between mentor and student to develop and helps you to take the necessary steps to deepen your practice.
The first 4 units are likely to go more quickly while the the last 6 units will require a more focused practice with daily-life applications.

The First Step in Practitioner Training
If you are drawn to offering this spiritual healing to others, this is the first course on that path with us. Our practitioners in training demonstrate an ease in their journeying ability, a strength in their safety and ethics, good commuinication and an ability to keep up the pace of the studies.
As well as completion of this course, there is an application process to join us for the pracitioner training.
Regathering Personal Wholeness
The goal of this foundation course in shamanic training is to learn about, experience and gather a student's own True Self. This establishes a gift for one's own life which expresses out into the world around us and impacts all life here.
If this calls to your heart, we welcome you to send in your application to study with one of our mentors.

2023/ 2024 Shamanism for Self-Healing
Shamanism 101
Exploration of your personal draw to shamanism
- Begin a process of self-cleansing
- Learn to receive lessons from the natural world
- Start to grasp the huge paradigm shift between the ordinary world’s understanding of reality and that of the shaman
- You will be guided to realize your part within the multitude of cycles of life
- Understand the importance of ego-detachment to make room for help from the spirit world
- Come to recognize the importance of detachment from your personal ego as you make room for the larger wisdom and power that you access through your spirit helpers
- Be shown the ancient, comprehensive and carefully detailed practices that allow you to safely and readily access both the upper and lower worlds.
- Explore the lower world and find animal spirit helpers that return the student’s latent but unrealized power.
- The upper world is explored and spirit teachers are found who serve as huge catalysts to growth and personal direction
- Time is spent contemplating shamanic ethics
- Learn to dance with trees and engage in ‘feather dusting’
- Learn a shamanic divination practice that begins to bring together different modalities of shamanic consciousness.
2023/ 2024 General Course Fees
One Time payment: $470 USD
or 4 monthly installments: $125 USD /month
Optional: throughout the course, you may schedule video calls with your mentor. $38 for a 30 minute appointment
Please begin with an application form.
Not Ready Yet?
Our Healing and Shamanism Series and Coming Home Rituals are beautiful ways to work with us before diving into mentored programmes.
An Invitation
Self-Healing, the Shamanic Way
by Steve Serr
People are starting to study shamanism for two primary reasons. First, it is because in this era of disconnection and alienation, we are feeling an increasing need to reconnect with our Earth.
Secondly, shamanic healing training opens us up to change and personal development so we can regain our natural empowerment and step back into what I will be referring to as our full, true self. The reason for this is actually pretty straightforward: shamanic practice and its understandings are already a part of us. Shamanism erupts from the ordinary, living human experiences that unfold within and around us naturally on the Earth.
Both of these reasons for a rapprochement to shamanism at this time in history are important. However with respect to the study on which you are about to embark, practitioners are becoming increasingly aware of what it can do for our growth and development as a person.
Shaman College’s awareness of the crucial nature of personal development is what makes this particular course - Shamanism for Self-Healing - stand out in shamanic training. We believe that your personal development, meaning such things as grounding, compassion and empowerment, combine to become the vehicle that carries shamanic knowledge into the world of heart-full caring for oneself and for others.
This matter or heart is significant. As Antone de Saint-Exupery wrote in The Little Prince,
"it is only with the heart that one can see rightly,
what is essential is invisible to the eye".
All of us who teach at Shaman College do so from a deep commitment to compassion as well as to ethics. You can easily find out about our admittedly strong adherence to these things in the Ethics section here at our website, linked at the top of every page.