Shamanic Practitioner Training
Shaman College Certification/Diploma Course
"I never thought that taking this course would develop me as a person as much as it has. All my life I have loved the animals and the earth, nature. I always felt drawn to the indigenous people and the way they live so closely with nature and the elements. I feel I was born in the wrong time or maybe reborn in this time but living as they did in a previous life. This course has brought me home, I feel the connection, it has rekindled in me something that has always been there. I never thought I would look forward to getting my homework assignment but I do, every assignment a new challenge and awaking in me."
Far from being the ‘wild one’, a shaman is actually more grounded and mentally healthy than the average individual: they have to be in order to do what they do.
Bring Healing to Others
If you are called to this, you have already been well along the path of self-healing. Your power, self-control and wisdom must be well-developed in order to learn such practices as extraction, soul and power retrievals, and psychopomp. You must be emotionally strong and insistent on self-development in order to undergo the ancient initiatory practices. You will encounter ethical and spiritual challenges because you are now ready to work with others.

Shamanism for Self-Healing-101/ Recovering Myself (pre-requisite)
As you embark and try on the shaman’s shoes, you will begin to accept the challenges of bringing healing and information to those who ask. This is far from being a ‘shaman’, however it is many steps beyond the self-work, journeying and basic shamanic understanding that you gained in our foundation course.
The mentor-student dialogue deepens and is perhaps unlike any other known, except between shamans and students.
Personal Mentor
Each student is assigned a private instructor who mentors and supports you every step of the way. Our teachers are all certified shamanic practitioners and certified practitioner trainers. This is a cornerstone of Shaman College- that we maintain the 'old ways' of apprenticeship - with mentor and student. The Instructor also provides the push that you may need to look deeply and keep your fire burning.

Comprehensive Studies - 48 units
Practitioner Training is a building and deepening process, each lesson carries profound healing and opening. We know that you are not just 'learning' techniques but you are developing and discovering your Self... a metamorphosis of sorts is happening, this takes time and focus...and Spirit's guidance.
3 + years of training
This course takes from three to five years to complete depending on your pacing and life's other plans. Basically it takes time to hone your skills, to develop your practice and this simply cannot be rushed. At the same time, we encourage you to complete your units in 2 or possibly 3 weeks each.

Online Training Flexibility
We offer the complete and mentored training all through the internet. This allows you to study wherever you live. Sometimes its not possible for you to leave home and travel to a training. Here you get as close as we can to one-on-one mentoring. And also receive the benefits of having a whole team of mentors from Shaman College holding the light.
Practice Clients
Right from the start of this training you begin working with practice clients. It is required that you find and work with is a great opportunity to offer your services to friends, family and stretch out too to your community. We want you to be able to step out of this training smoothly into a professional practice.

Online Meetings
Over the course you will have the opportunity to meet privately with your teacher 3 times. And we encourage you to join the optional, teacher-led group meetings so you can meet other students and learn from each others' questions and experiences.
Option to take the Course Live in a Group Setting
In the near future, we will be offering this training in a live group format. This training is a combination of the online material, personal Instructor, and group gatherings taught by our teachers. Location TBA.

You will experience not only the shaman’s world, but the necessary work that goes into this.
Safety and ethics in shamanism
Power animal retrieval
Soul work
Cutting cords
Feather work
Cleansing with herbs and plants
Drumming and rattling
Creating sacred tools
Shamanic Initiations
Soul sounding
Word, sound, and dance doctoring
Ancestors and Decendents
Plant Spirits
Elements and Nature Spirits
Rock Portals
Ceremony and Rituals
Merging, healing modailites and direct divination.
Personal projects, shamanic tools, drumming and rattling.
Client protocols, safety, ethics, and working with spiritual toxins.
Ancient, important and traditionally tested shamanic initiations necessary for the maturing of a practitioner.
Now you are ready to begin to walk as a shaman...
Entering the realms of soul work, middle world work, and the practice of soul retrieval.
Tuition & Policies
- 16 Units of Study
- 18 months to complete with option to add-on more mentorship
- 1 Online meeting with your mentor (20 minutes each)
- Regular group online meetings (optional)
- Option to continue to Year 2
- 18 Units of Study
- 22 Months to complete with option to add-on more mentorship
- 1 Online meeting with your mentor (20 minutes each)
- Regular group online meetings (optional)
- Option to continue to Year 3
- 14 Units of Study
- 16 Months to complete with option to add-on more mentorship
- 1 Online meeting with your mentor (20 minutes each)
- Regular group online meetings (optional)
- Extra units on how to set-up a professional shamanic healing practice
- Upon completion, you receive a diploma from Shaman College as a Certified Shamanic Practitioner