Find a Practitioner
A listing of our graduates who practice Shamanic Healing.
Practitioner Listings
These are our graduates that offer shamanic healing sessions through their independent businesses.
To send a contact request to any of practitioners- please fill in your name, email and a message. They will receive it!
Diane Belanger, CSP
Dieppe, New Brunswick Canada
Tel: 506-962-1770
Martin Billingham, CSP
Culburra Beach, NSW, Australia
Alexandra Blanchard, CSP
Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA
Neil Cammish, CSP
Co Kilkenny, Éire
Barbara Clark, CSP
Scotland, UK
website coming soon
Sarrah S. Herr, CSP
Elkhart, Indiana, USA
Marcelo Ferraté, CSP
Guatemala City, GT
Daniel Raccani, CSP
Ulladulla, NSW, 2539, Australia
+00 61 2 4454 1132
+61 410 683701
Nshimta, Phyllis Russo, CSP
Dallas, Texas and Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Beth Snowberger Boatright, CSP
Westminster, Colorado, USA
Daniela Stanciulescu, CSP
Craiova, România
Sandy York, CSP
Paonia, Colorado, USA