Videos and Audios

Equinox Meditation - Seeing from the Heart

Mar 24, 2022

Equinox is a time of half-half... a perfect balance. In a perfect balance, there is a pause where no movement happens.  It is fleeting, at yet the energetics are important... it is an entry point, a portal of sorts.

Pauses are needed in healing.  They are the moments of non-doing.  You could even say that they are moments of "non-healing".  Of pure acceptance for what is in that moment.

There is an alchemical fire that exists in the moment of pure seeing, of simply and fully honouring what is here in this balance without asking for anything to change.

Of course change happens, movement happens... energy shifts and healing happens in its many ways.  From that pause, next steps are taken.  We add pieces and we take them away.  This change is also in the flow of existence.

On this Equinox, may we remember and be blessed by the pure seeing from the heart.  The pause of balance and the love that is here when we rest for a moment in the presence of...

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Guided Meditation - You Have a Communication Vessel

Mar 05, 2022

Hello Dear Shaman College Community,

Today's sharing is from the Earth Prayers meditations in which we access the movement of breath to open our channels of energy and communication.

The teaching here continues on a theme that our embodiment itself is a healing.

Everything has been given to us - from the Universe, from Mother Earth, from the Divine.  Gratitude, observation, inner exploration, listening and sharing too... are needed.

Slowing down, staying steady - like a drumbeat... we ride the journey-horse, over trails through the woods...

Let us meet at the Great Tree.

Sending many blessings out to all,

Kimba and the Shaman College Team

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Merge Into Your Light

Nov 13, 2021

In this week's Earth Prayers guided meditation, we look at the power of imagery in our physical health and abilities.  We explore the dance of life - an improvisational / interactive communication with the air and the earth. 

The spirits ask us to merge with the light that we are.  To really go into this as an embodied experience.... not just an idea or a concept but a breathing reality.

And then we dream. 

We dream this place forth. If we can see it, and we can feel it... than we can bring it forth. How does this happen?

Manifestation comes through interaction.

It is a meeting place.

In each meeting you have the opportunity to welcome forth the dream into this experienced realm. 

When dreams are shared in this way, we all get to drink from the fresh waters.

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Breathe Life In - Earth Prayers

Oct 25, 2021

Hello dear Shaman College Community,

Sitting at the River... the Earth Prayers are Water Prayers!  I realise that in many ways, they have always been Water prayers.

In these meditations, we work with our breath as a breath of life that sets in motion the waters, our internal ocean.  The Earth allows all of this to happen.

In shamanism we travel the realms.  We unite the physical and the spiritual. They exist together and we acknowledge this as a breathing truth.  We access the healing potential in all beings through the connections of the realms.

Your body is a sacred vessel and it naturally connects the worlds... it is here with you for this lifetime.

I hope this guided meditation reaches you and serves you and all who are blessed by your presence.

With blessings to all, thank you.

with love,


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Guided Meditation - Earth Prayers, Healing the Form

Aug 11, 2021

How easily we can forget that we are residing within a healing body, connected to a healing Earth, within a healing Universe.

In shamanism, we remember this beautiful power and potential that is right here... so intimately entwined with our lives.  Our bodies and the Earth are One.  And we have an immense ability to heal.

We witness time and again, that the 'modern' human sees nature as something to fix, solve, make better, as if it is vulnerable, weak, and unable to thrive.  And when this approach is taken, time and again... we end up polluting the very life-force that moves within us all.

In any and every moment, you have the ability to listen to the drumbeat of your heart where your truth calls you home.  You have the ability to tune-in to the sacred rhythm of your breath.

May we nourish Nature within us and all around us... Mother Earth provides us with medicine we need.

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Earth Prayers - You are Loved

Jul 05, 2021

Today, I share with you an Earth Prayers, guided meditation as I connect into my homelands of the USA.  This holiday time that reflects and honours the freedom of people and independence and to BE who you truly are.  At its essence, it is a beautiful vibration to tap into... and to recognise within the hearts of every living being.  At the Soul level we are all light and love, unbound.

I hope this recording reaches you, and serves you.  I found it incredibly powerful (I never quite know what is going to flow from the Spirits).  I had to had to share!

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Where Form and Formless Meet

Jun 07, 2021

There is a sacred place where form and formless meet - it is called life. In this week's Earth Prayers, we work with our breath and our awareness to really embody this dance of our physical presence and our infinite light.

These are weekly guided meditations that are published in the archive of our White Shell Membership.

Thank you for joining us, with blessings to all.

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All Earth's Colours

May 13, 2021

This is our latest Earth Prayers meditation from May 11, 2021.

In these meditations we work with our breath and our body awareness to embody the frequencies of love and light through our sacred vessels and to send this out to the Earth and all beings.

These guided meditations are unscripted, recorded live and open to the messages in the moment.

In this one, we move through the colours of this world.

Thank you to all who take part in these very special blessings.


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Earth Prayers - Earth, Water, Air, Fire

Apr 12, 2021

Our latest Earth Prayers guided meditation where we access our breath movement and subtle body awareness as one with Mother Earth.  Every week a new meditation is offered live and recorded.

In this one we embody the meeting places of the four elements through the breath and heart opening. 

Currently, the full library of meditations and yoga sessions are available through our online White Shell membership.

Trial months allow you to try out this membership for only £15.

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Earth Prayers - Eternal Life Force

Mar 23, 2021

There is an eternal life force that flows through the Universe ... and reveals itself in form after form after form.

Join Kimba in this guided meditation from our weekly Earth Prayers that are shared in the White Shell membership.

Sending love and peace out to all beings.

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