Videos and Audios

Senses, Subtle Senses, Your Super Powers

Feb 13, 2020

There can be a tendency among us humans, especially in today’s digital and technological world, to depend on our visual sense. Have you seen people sucked in to their screens? Maybe you have noticed your own tendencies? What is happening is that many people are basically ‘watching the show’ of life.

As sensitive beings, as people drawn to Earth-based spirituality, healing, and the shamanic views, we can work with our senses, subtle senses, and emotional senses in a way that taps us in to our super powers and allows us to both receive information and offer assistance out into our world.

In this video I share insights into some of our subtle senses, and encourage you to  ‘look’ within and become aware of your own tendencies. All of us are impacted by our inherited and environmental factors, which create certain filters on our various senses. However, these can be cleared and opened and assist in a deep healing. This can happen for you with a...

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